welding positioner
Positioners provide steel fabrication shops with the most up-to-date equipment for placing bulky fabrications in the ‘downhand’ position in the shortest possible time without the use of cranes and manpower. The positioners tables rotate at accurate and constant variable speeds and tilt through 135° with a high C.G. load rating covering almost all anglers for welding any angular job placed on it. Positioners can be supplied for interfacing with Column and Boom Manipulator.
- Robust all steel fabrication
- Variable or single speed table rotation through 360°
- Square or round table as desired. with T slots and concentric rings to facilate fast and accurate alignment and clamping.
- Power Operated Table tilting mechanism through 135°, including limit Switches to prevent over-run.
- Centre spindle carried in sealed pre-loaded Timken bearings or, depending on capacity Large diameter crossroll bearing is provided.
- Accurate machine cut steel gears.
- Efficient built-in earthling. Totally enclosed electrical motors including electromagnetic breaks.
- Pendant remote push button controls for all movements, together with speed potentiometer